Protecting one’s body after sex is as important as maintaining hygiene before sex. Being careful prevents vaginal infections, urinary tract infections and the spread of yeast infection. While being told to be hygienic about sex is something that we learn in high school, we, as adults, engage in sexual activities without being careful at all. Here are a few common hygiene mistakes we make during, before and after intimacy that should be avoided altogether.

Hygiene Mistakes You Might Be Making Before, During Or After Intimacy

Could you develop a vaginal infection due to fingering? Yes, you could. That’s why it’s important to have clean hands before inserting your fingers into the vagina. But how many people go for a hand wash before jumping into bed? Not many actually. You could be also asking: Is anal sex hygienic? Yes, it is if you are doing it right, otherwise not. It’s very important to maintain sex hygiene at all stages of having sex to protect yourself from the risk of STDs. We tell you all the hygiene mistakes you are making and how to correct them.

1. Doing it rectum to the vagina

It is better to have vaginal sex first and then proceed to anal sex, and never the other way round. One might not know about all the bacteria in the rectum that can be harmful when transferred to the vagina; the transfer of bacteria is easily done when you switch from anal sex to vaginal sex. These two areas should be kept separate and the penis that has gone inside the rectum should be washed with mild soap and water before proceeding to the vagina.

2. Not using a condom

There is a huge difference when one does not wear a condom – the feeling is better and stronger. But using a condom during sex must be a priority. It not only reduces the chance of getting pregnant but also prevents the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

3. Not peeing after sex

This doesn’t mean you need to jump off your partner and run to the toilet right after you get an orgasm. No! After the cuddling and pillow talk is done, one should pee to flush out any bacteria that might have been pushed up into the urethra because urinary tract infections are the worst thing that can happen after sex.

4. Not washing hands before sex

Not only the genitals but hands must be washed properly before sex. Hands are used pretty much extensively, especially by men on women. Bacteria can also enter the vagina and urethra through unwashed hands, during fingering while having sex. To prevent a yeast infection (which is another dangerous thing to happen to a vagina), making sure one’s partner washes his/her hands is essential.

5. Not cleaning the vagina afterwards

The vagina is wonderful and self-cleaning. But it is always better to clean the vagina using vaginal wipes. The vagina, during sex, is under a lot of contact with the penis, fingers, saliva and sometimes the rectum. There are higher chances of bacteria and yeast infections. A quick post-sex clean-up reduces the possibility of an outbreak of any such diseases. A post-sex shower is a great way to wash oneself but in case that is not possible, using an intimate vaginal wash is highly advisable. These basic practices go a long way in helping women maintain intimate hygiene.

6. Not getting tested for STDs

This is one ritual couples often forget or ignore. No one wants to admit that he/she might be carrying STDs. Getting tested for sexually transmitted diseases is a must, especially if one is getting in bed with a new partner. Even in long-term relationships, both partners must get checked for STDs from time to time.

7. Not cleaning the sex toys

Sex toys such as vibrators, dildos, cock rings, and glass anal toys are a great way to spice up sex life. And we all thank whoever invented these little machines of pleasure. But these toys can bring as much sorrow as pleasure if not cleaned up properly. Cleaning it every time after use with suggested products is crucial.

8. A little clean up after sex

Post sex shower is encouraged. Taking a shower together is also a great idea. To have a healthy sex life it is important to ensure that you are not making any of these sex hygiene mistakes.

9. Unclean bed sheet

Yes, the kitchen table or the living-room carpet are great places to have sex, no doubt. But if you want to maintain sex hygiene then you should be doing it on a really clean bed sheet. It’s very important to clean your bed sheets regularly to keep all the bacteria at bay. If you keep having sex on the same sheets, the dried body fluids on the sheet could end up becoming bacteria dungeons. Just avoid that. It just takes a few minutes extra before and after sex to maintain hygiene. It’s really not a lot considering all the trouble you will be avoiding this way.

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