A breakup is complicated and painful enough to make you wish you got back together with them, but dealing with mixed signals is plain frustrating. Constantly thinking about them and wondering if they are missing you and waiting for you to come back can be excruciatingly painful. If you’re tired of being stuck in a limbo over whether to move on or wait, this lowdown on the signs your ex is waiting for you to come back will help give you some clarity. 

15 Clear Signs Your Ex Is Waiting For You

You are sitting in your living room, heartbroken and dealing with loneliness after a breakup. You are desperately wishing you could be with your ex. But you don’t know if they are waiting for you to get back together with them. You aren’t even sure if they want you back in the first place. It is natural to wish you could get back together with an ex considering how long you have been with them and how much you loved them. It is not easy getting over the love and good times you both once shared. There are hints in the littlest of things they do or say. Read the below signs to see signs your ex is waiting for you.

1. Getting back in touch with you

If they text you after a gap of complete silence from their side, they are not just texting to check if you are doing okay after the breakup. They are missing you. It’s a clear sign your ex is waiting for you. There is a drawback to this though. If you are naive and don’t know the intention behind your ex trying to re-enter your life, then it may cause you more pain than the break up itself. Most exes return in your life to see if you have gotten over them yet. To see if they still matter to you. Some people are so narcissistic and into themselves that they think you won’t be able to live a life without them. Assuming that their absence will wreck a havoc in your life. If you are strong enough to get over them and don’t feel the same way as you did before, then you don’t have to wait for them to come back. You can let go of the past and start being happy. But if you truly feel they still love you and you still love them, then giving the relationship one more chance will give you more time to be sure about them.

2. When they want to hangout with you

Imagine you receive a text from your ex. It says they want to hangout with you, but you are confused if it’s one of the signs your ex is waiting for you. If they reply to your texts immediately without letting the conversation die, then it’s one of the signs your ex is waiting for you. But you need to ask yourself if you are emotionally ready to see them again. It is quite tempting to be in their presence again and forget about the breakup. Take time to analyze their feelings and intentions behind spending time with you. Is it a casual meet or a date? If it’s a date, then it’s obvious your ex wants to reconcile. It is on you to decide if you want them back or not.

3. Your ex is waiting for you if they want to be friends again

It’s been two months since the breakup. You are waiting for them to come back. Then one day, randomly out of nowhere express their desire to be friends with you. I always believe ex-lovers can’t be friends. During the post breakup friendship period, you either get back together with them or everything is ruined to pieces if you are not careful about the boundaries for being friends with an ex. Will it be okay with you if you were being friend-zoned by someone you were hoping to reconcile with? If they are being super nice and amiable even after an unpleasant breakup, they are waiting for you to get back. However, if the relationship was toxic and made you feel miserable, you don’t have to look for signs your ex is waiting for you. Focus your energies on moving on and never looking back in their direction again.

4. They tell you everything that happened since your exit from their life

You meet your ex for a coffee. The conversation starts formally at first then swiftly flows in the other direction. They start talking about the changes in their life, both personal and professional. They share every minute detail of the goings on in their life. Maybe they got promoted at work or they got sick after the two of you broke up or got a new pet to keep their mind away from overthinking. But why should they tell you anything about their life, no matter how trivial or significant? Perhaps because they want to revive that lost connection. This is one of the signs your ex wants to reconcile.

5. Reminiscing the old times

There is a big difference between them still having feelings for you and waiting for you to come back. If your ex is digging up old memories where you both were madly in love with each other, it is a sure sign they want you back. Is she talking about the time you two went on a trip together? It is one of the signs your ex girlfriend is waiting for you and it will be easy for you to woo her back. Is he talking about the time you two went on a drive past midnight just to have ice cream? Not only is he thinking about the fond memories, but he is also actively missing you and is desperately waiting for you to get back.

6. Working on improving themselves

Are you noticing changes in your ex? Like when you two were together, they would make you wait and show up late for a dinner date. But now they are working on bettering themselves. They are suddenly trying to flatter you by being punctual. It’s one of the signs your ex wants to reconcile. They will show you they can become a better person. It could be any kind of change. Physical appearance or any annoying habit, but when they work on changing the things you didn’t like about them, it is clear they are waiting for you to come back.

7. One of the signs your ex is waiting for you is when they take the blame

The blame game. We have all played it time and time again. “You did this. You are the reason why we fell apart. You are the cause of all the pain” and whatnot. When suddenly the “you” becomes “I” and they take responsibility for their actions and the breakup itself, it is one of the clear signs your ex wants to reconcile. They will go over details that led to you two breaking up. They will come up with solutions and ways which could have prevented it. They are talking about the things that went wrong, it means they are empathizing and figuring out what they could have done to save the relationship.

8. They flirt with you

The primary intention behind flirting with someone is to impress and attract that person. They will show you how badly they want to be noticed by you. It starts with looking in the eye, then it graduates to flirting. You flirt back too. It’s getting steamy and you finally let them pave their way to seduction. There are clear signs your ex is waiting for you and you are waiting for them. Getting an ex back or accepting them again into your life is a very complicated situation. It all boils down to love. How much do you love them to genuinely want them back? After all, there is only a thin line between love and obsession.

9. They become more docile and compliant

They stop with their little arguments over minor issues and tend to agree more with you and accept everything you say. This is one of the confusing signs your ex is waiting for you. You don’t know why they are being so agreeable all of a sudden and whether this behavior will continue should you give them another chance.  

10. They accidentally bump into you

After four years of being together, your ex obviously know which place you love to dine at and which pizzeria they would find you stuffing your mouth with cheese. So they frequent these places at times when you are most likely to be hanging out there and then act surprised upon seeing you as if the run-in was purely accidental. If they didn’t want you back in their life, they would avoid going to the places they would find you no matter what. If you are bumping into them quite often, then it’s definitely not a coincidence. It is one of the signs your ex is waiting for you and wants to reconcile.

11. Confessing they miss you is one of the signs you ex wants you back

This is one of the biggest signs your ex is waiting for you. They start sending you miss you messages. Words have power, and then admitting they miss you is no less than them wanting you back in their life. Is your ex talking about how they miss watching TV series with you or going to the mall with you? They could also be saying this because they feel bad about the breakup. If they drunk dial you and confess they miss you, then they don’t have the guts to be honest with you in a sober state. Now that is sort of red flag that is best not ignored because you are too caught up in this spate of emotions.

12. They tell you they are single

Their social media posts are gloomy. They unblock you from everywhere but you don’t know why the unblocked you. They post sad songs, love quotes and let their friends know they are missing you. Your ex’s friend approaches you and tells you they are miserable without you. Your ex is still struggling to accept the breakup. It is one of the signs they are waiting for you to come back. Nobody goes through a happy breakup, but if it has been a while and they still find a way to let you in on their life details directly or indirectly, they aren’t over you yet. They still think about you and cannot cope up with your absence.

13. Pretending they need help with something

When your ex has run out of reasons to talk to you, they ask for your help with something. Be it your opinion on something work related or any suggestion regarding their personal life. It is one of the excuses to talk to you and be close to you. Once you see these patterns in your ex’s behavior, take some time to introspect how you feel about getting back together. These signs your ex is waiting for you comes only second to your feelings. If you don’t want them back, then let them know you have no intentions of reconciling.

14. They want to introduce you to their new partner

This is a very wicked move but also a subtle sign they are trying to make you jealous. It is not required for you to meet their new partner but they insist you guys catch up. And they get touchy-feely with their new partner. They are trying silly attempts to make you jealous. One of the signs your ex is waiting for you is they are jealous of dating prospects in your life and want to make themselves feel better by indulging in some petty one-upmanship.

15. They come to your rescue every chance they get

This is one of the best ways you can be sure that your ex is waiting for you to come back. They come to your rescue every chance they get and try to be the hero of the scene. Don’t confuse this as a manifestation of their chlvalrous, caring personality. These are most definitely signs your ex is waiting for you. You are confused about the signs your ex is waiting for you or not. You text them about a problem you are having. They immediately offer to help and come up with ways to solve it. It’s not just one help. It’s about how many times they offer to help you. If they are willing to be your knight in shining armor every time you are stuck in a situation, they definitely want you back in their life.

Do You Want Your Ex Back?

Before you decide to give your ex another chance, ponder upon the things that transpired between you two leading to the breakup. Have you rectified the mistakes that caused the breakup? If they show signs they still truly love you and are desperate to get back with you, maybe giving another chance isn’t such a bad idea. It’s only natural to wonder if your ex will eventually come back or not. When they come back, say yes to giving the relationship another chance only if you are sure about them. Make sure you take your time out to reflect on whether or not their presence again in your life will lead to a happy future together.

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